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A Black pre-school aged patient smiles in their hospital bed. A White female looks on and smiles.

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Photo of a toddler-aged patient running on a beach.

Bear's Story

When three-day old Bear arrived at Children’s National with seizures, staff in our nationally ranked #1 newborn program cared for a family in crisis. Baby Bear was soon alert and breathing on his own. Today, he loves to run on the beach with his siblings.

In This Section

Three people posing in hardhats and t-shirts with landscape tools.

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Five adults in golf gear and tutus pose for a photo on a golf course.

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Young fundraiser standing at their shaved ice stand.

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Get creative. Raise funds your way and have fun doing it! We're here to help. Let's get started!

A White female volunteer and a White female patient in a wheelchair laugh as they take a selfie.

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A mother and her two daughters.

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Add your unique story to the voices of Children's National Hospital. Your journey as a patient or family member inspires others and helps us share how we help children grow up stronger.

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Explore how
Young patient gives a thumbs up.
Having lymphoma meant the most awful kind of uncertainty. I didn’t know if chemo would work or if I would ever go to college. But on day 901…my scan was free of cancer. Children’s National always made the hard stuff easier. They stuck by me.


lymphoma patient